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Eleven largest scandals of 2012

On the one hand, everyone wants less grandiose failures, angry players, sudden dismissals, litigation and similar high -profile things. After all, politicians can pull up on the noise – and these guys just give me a reason to shout.

On the other hand, scandals are an inevitable part of the gaming industry. They were, they are and will be. Truth is born in disputes, the courts protect the right of the right, and the indignant seething of the players is a sign that there are people who do not care. There is no development without conflict, and the market is good for competition. So to some extent scandals are a sign that the industry is alive and well!

2012 was rich in noisy stories and disputes, and in this article we collected eleven the brightest.

11. Forty-seventh, monk-killer and ordered friends

How began Advertising campaign Hitman: Absolution went wrong or, conversely, too much. Two times.

The game of the adventures of the bald killer with a barcode on the back of the head was at the end of autumn was twice in the center of the scandal. At the beginning of summer, people outraged a advertising video called "Holy Attack". In it, a hitman deftly dealt with a team of combat nuns armed to the teeth and dressed in latex.

The video was excellent, but many in the West saw in the nuns … No, not blasphemy, but sexism and discrimination. Like, why is the forty -seventh fights with beauties dressed in short rubber skirts? Where are the harsh monks waving censer? For Io Interactive Universal "bu-o!"It turned out to be a surprise. Director of the Tor Blisted project apologized, but said that he did not expect such a reaction at all, especially since the plot moment of the game was reproduced in the video. However, it is possible that the viral effect was planned in advance, because the beating of nuns is still not a very ordinary plot move, even in games about ruthless killers.

The second scandal erupted recently. An advertising application appeared on the Facebook network in which you could "order" friends. The system worked as follows: a person chose a friend, filled “special signs” and “for which to kill him,” and then watched a video with the process itself (while a photo from a social network was built into a video in a cunning way).

And everything would be fine, but the company that ordered the application was slightly shut down with “special signs”, placing in them very offensive, associated with acne, stupid hairstyle, well, and … sizes of individual parts of the body. The scandal began to unwind from the very first hours of the appearance of this fun on Facebook, game sites joined in the case. However, the publishers, it seemed, decided that well, it was in a swamp, such a glory – and very quickly the application was nailed.

How it ended Despite the mixed feelings of reviewers, the game diverged with a circulation of more than two million copies. The plot nuns in the game itself did not particularly outraged anyone-however, the developers, apparently, changed their level a little, “diluting” the latex girls with male fighters.

10. The uprising of the industry women

How began From an innocent question of an employee Kickstarter Luke Crane on Twitter: “Why are there so few women creating games? "

Why is there so few women in the game industry? You can answer differently. For example, indicate that there are historically few in the field of programming. Or note that among men, whatever one may say, more enthusiasts who are ready to sacrifice many for creativity and self-expression.

But to the question of Luke Crane, thousands of women – developers of games, journalists, screenwriters, artists unexpectedly responded. They decided to speak in a blade and gave their answers on the same Twitter under the hashtag #1reasonwhy. The main problem, the speakers called the attitude to them – sexism and discrimination in the mainly “male” industry, and not only from colleagues: they also remembered players who are far from always positive about female gamemeasants. Someone even complained about harassment at game exhibitions.

Men who were witnesses of episodes of a not quite correct attitude towards their colleagues joined the performances of women. They were argued by those who considered the problem of sexism in the industry of the farm. In general, the discussion flared up hot and scandalous. True, it did not lead to anything. But the main thing is not the result, but the process is an exchange, so to speak, opinions.

How it ended Based on women's performances, journalists wrote thoughtful speakers. But, by and large, everything remains still. The industry is masculine, there are few women, and what to do with it (and is it necessary to do something at all) is not clear.

9. Marines, ea and military secret

How began Electronic Arts I hired several special forces from military consultants from Seal Team 6 , Including one personally participating in the liquidation of the “terrorist number one” Osama bin Laden. It would seem, what is it like that is true?

There is probably nothing wrong with paying real fighters for information that will make the game more realistic and historically reliable. This is good for players and advertising – we can always say that, they say, the same brave guys who protect democracy behind the ocean worked on the game.

However, participation in the development Medal of Honor: Warfighter It turned out to be serious troubles for seven members of the elite combat detachment of marines Seal Team 6. They just told Danger Close Games about the service and demonstrated their military equipment. But journalists of the American television channel CBS , After conducting their investigation, they somehow found out: the fighters disclosed secret information. And everything spun! After CBS published the results, the noise rose all over America. The marines were punished. The case even came to the harsh comments of Rear Admirals: “And let this punishment serve as a whole clear signal that we will not tolerate such irresponsibility anymore”.

Perhaps the Marines were just unlucky. They did not come across at the most successful time: the audience was already wound up with a scandal around the book “Little Day”, written by one of the participants in the assault on the house of Ben Laden – he also disclosed a lot of secret in these memoirs.

How it ended All the "seven bold" received a reprimand with the introduction and retention of part of the salary. In fact, this means a cross in a military career. The scandal helped a little game – sales in the early days barely exceeded the modest half a million.

8. Greece, Bohemia Interactive and the "Business of Spies"

How began Two developers from Bohemia Interactive Let's go to Greece to rest.

In early September last year, as a thunder among the clear sky, the news thundered: the developers were arrested on the Greek island of Lemnos Arma 3. Chief designer of gaming cards Ivan Bay And his colleague Martin Citera were thrown into prison for allegedly photographed secret objects.

The press immediately suggested that since the island of Arma 3 has some resemblance to Lemnos, then the developers really removed something there-for the most reality of the future game. But Bohemia refuted this – Ivan and Martin did not go anywhere, they did not take pictures of any military facilities, but simply drove by car, hooking on the video the edges of the airport.

At first it seemed that there could be no such delusional curioses in Europe and the guys would be released soon. Well, however, which of them spies? Nevertheless, the time passed, the petitions, all the efforts of lawyers and guarantees did not bring a result. It was also affected that in Greece, due to problems with the economy, Virgin Games Casino confusion and strikes are now reigning. “Spies” are not released, there is no court, and when it will be, it is unknown.

How it ended Until it ended. Bohemia employees are still sitting in a Greek prison, and what will happen next to them is difficult to predict.

7. Gamespot, natural selection and intransigent Metacritic

How began On Gamespot published a review of a multiplayer action movie Natural Selection 2.

The Gamespot review of an indie-beer with elements of strategy immediately attracted the attention of the public-and not at all a honed syllable, but even the other way around. There were a lot of actual mistakes made by the author-freelance, one is more shameful than the other. The militant scolded its role in a role, setting an estimate of 60% and calling the "disappointing execution of a promising combination of the shooter from the first person and strategy".

The Gamespot management quickly responded to readers' claims, apologized, removed the ill -fated review and wrote another – already from the editor, diplomatically putting the game of conciliatory 80%.

And at this place the scandal could end with the reconciliation of the parties, if not for stubbornness Metacritic -AGAGOR Site, collecting grades "with a world on a thread". He had already managed to place a link to the first, negative, review on the page dedicated to the game. When the site editors were asked to remove it and replace it with a new one, they flatly refused to do this, motivating the policy of “one attempt”. According to representatives of Metacritic, the rule “not to change the first assessment” was customary for a reason, but to protect the reviewers. The idea is this: if the assessment that has fallen on Metacritic is no longer canceled, the publishers have less temptation to press on journalists so that they remove negative reviews or retroactively corrected estimates.

How it ended Natural Selection 2 was sold with a circulation of 144,000 copies – not bad for a niche game. And on the Natural Selection 2 Metacritic sites there was an estimate of 60% – a spot on the reputation of an unlucky reviewer.

6. Gameloft, Twitter and Dirty Dancing

How began From a message on Twitter about the total debauchery going on at the Christmas party of the Canadian branch Gameloft.

This scandal happened already under the very New Year holidays, when corporate parties slammed around the world through the world. In Canada, the local department of the publisher of mobile games Gameloft chose a night club for the holiday. Entertainment of employees was hired by a troupe performing in the genre of Burlesca. And Burleske is by definition exotic outfits and half -naked women. Something they did not like the employee of the company-so much so that she on Twitter talked about the ladies of ladies who walk among her colleagues, who, in addition, served live dishes for dessert.

Game press, already heated by the recent noise around sexism (see. Scandal number nine in the ranking), immediately raised noise and din. Gameloft began to make excuses – they say, women from Burlesque were divided on their own initiative, and they were immediately kicked out for non -compliance with the contract.

True, anonymous sources said that they did not drive anyone out of the holiday and invited ladies shone with painted busts a little from the beginning of the party. But no one began to publicly blame the authorities for lies, so there were no choice for reporters how to believe in unauthorized expression and subsequent fair expulsion.

How it ended The noise raised on Twitter was fired employee Gameloft.

5. PAX, chainsaw and neckline

How began At the rally Penny Arcade Expo (PAX) Girl-Spleacer put on a pink suit of Juliet from the game Lollipop Chainsaw.

And this story, also partially connected with the exposure, happened in Seattle on the August-Styabrsky Gamer rally Pax. Among the visitors of the exhibition was Jessica Nigri – A famous personality in cosplayer circles. This time she decided to act as the beauty of Juliet Starling – the heroine of a rather peculiar Lollipop Chainsaw (zombies, candid outfits, chainsaws and all that).

Когда Джессика надела на себя классический наряд Джульетты — синюю юбочку и топ, — все было хорошо. But as soon as she changed into a pink latex costume with a neckline in the form of lightning, as the troubles began. To her right there … that is, on the second day of the exhibition, the securities and officials of Pax jumped up, demanding either to change the costume to a more modest one, or to clean.

It all ended that Jessica-Juliet and Penny Arcade Expo were kicked out, explaining this by the fact that “we have a family atmosphere”. Such an excuse did not suit the angry players: why these are games with murders and cruelty on PAX fit into the “family atmosphere”, and the neckline is immediately horror-Uzha-Uzhas? They remembered the organizers of the exhibition and the long -standing war E3 with half -naked fashion models. Someone even came to the conclusion that the PAX exhibition is no longer turned into a place to meet the players, but into a solid corporate event, where there is nothing to do with fun and neckline.

How it ended Nothing. The players grumbled, rose and dispersed. And the exhibition PAX is now famous as another, where playful outfits are not welcome.

4. Lara Croft and lustful bandits

How began At the E3 exhibition showed a video from the new Tomb Raider , in which Lara Croft kills a bandit trying to rape her.

In early summer, at the E3 exhibition, the developers of the new “rebooting” part of the Tomb Raider showed a video in which thugs with unambiguous intentions – with a fatal outcome for it, attacks Lara Croft. In an interview, the chief producer of the game Ron Rosenberg, talking about the image of the heroine, confirmed that "Lara will try to rape".

Immediately after that, a storm of indignation rose. Many thought that a sexual attack is not a very good scenario reception and that it can turn the game almost into a hentai and a rapist simulator. The topic was very sensitive, so the fan worked at full capacity.

Hardly in Crystal Dynamics expected such a reaction to the video. But they acted, I must say, very cunningly: they simply disavowed the words of Ron Rosenberg and announced that that bandit did not mean any rape. The audience immediately came to the catharsis, because the video was clearly visible that the thug was not just pawing and throwing Lara to the ground. But the developers on a blue eye continued to say that he had nothing in mind. What is called, try to prove the opposite.

How it ended The complete denial of sexual subtext in the attack on Lara in the game scene helped developers to reduce the intensity of passions. They did not change the scene. The scandal came to naught, but interest in the game thanks to the raised noise has grown noticeably.

3. The War Z, Title and Steam

How began A multi-user zombie-beo -evik zombie entered Steam The War Z – And his description did not coincide with what was actually in the game.

The noisy scandal around the multiplayer game about The War Z zombies is very unusual – it was walking on the principle of a chain reaction. It all started with the release of the game on Steam. The bought the game found that not everything that is in the description is present in it. Naturally, they were indignant.

In response, the developers admitted that the game is not yet ready and testing, and in the description – what is expected in the final. In addition, they said that, according to polls, the game "Like 93% of users". This did not help. The scandal flared up even more, the correction of the description did not help, and the developers and Valve decided to remove The War Z from Steam until most of the chips are ready.

In the meantime, it turned out that the film company Paramount It has long been making a film World War Z and the name The War Z allegedly violates its rights. It is still not known for sure whether the developers have to change the name – the proceedings are still going.

What will happen next, time will tell. Megalabs – one of the subsidiaries of Megafon – acquired the rights to the issue of The War Z in Russia. They are well aware of how obstinate (and scandalous) beast they were sheltered, and they promise to work with it properly. Megalabs work regardless of the operators of the English version, and we can hope that they will at least push communication with the public. In this case, this is already half.

Other scandals were associated with the English version of The War Z, but then the rumble did not go further forum posts and discussions on Reddit. In any case, because of the noise that rose around the game, much more people learned about it than if its creators spent a large advertising campaign.

How it ended Until it ended. The game is still in development. If War z is still obliged to change the name, we will write about it.

2. Mass Effect 3 Final

How began Players, to put it mildly, surprised the underfed and short finale of the last part of the trilogy Mass Effect.

What is this being done, citizens? We tried, played, made difficult decisions, launched saved games in continuations – in a word, got used to the world of Mass Effect, playing out the role of the commander of Shepard. In the final of the third part, the players waited at least, the disclosure of all secrets, the ties of all the plot threads – in general, a full, worthy, detailed completion of the trilogy.

Nothing of the kind, in the opinion BioWare , The faithful fans of the series did not deserve. Disappointment was extraordinary. The final Mass Effect 3 turned out to be short, obscure and foggy. What happened to the surviving heroes? What happened to the whole galaxy? Than the heart calmed down? In addition, it turned out that the choice of the player almost did not affect the final scenes of the game. Even the end of the second part at one time was more interesting.

Emergency players poured bitterness on the forums. The final Mass Effect 3 has become an example of how you do not need to end the epic game series.

How it ended Fortunately, the collection of signatures with a call to developers to change the end of the game has benefited. BioWare partially corrected her error, releasing the loaded addition to the expanded ending.

1. Diablo 3 and error 37

How began IN Diablo 3 For the sake of our good, they sewed up protection against copying, requiring constant connection with servers Blizzard.

And finally our winner. Nine months before the release of the long -awaited Diablo 3, Blizzard announced that the game will require a constant connection with the Internet. The people immediately suspected the unkind – the benefit of Ubisoft's experience in this area did not bode well.

Indeed – immediately after the game was released, the Blizzard server sank abruptly under an influx of six million sold only in the first week of copies of Diablo 3. Tens of thousands of players who paid considerable dollars for the opportunity to run around the dungeons, instead looked at the sign “Error 37. The server is currently busy ".

Of course, loud discussions, accusations and bitter disappointments followed. "Error 37" became a symbol of a grand failure and greatly spoiled the impression of the game. It is clear that piracy is bad. But from the "online" protection against copying, not pirates suffered again, but crystal honest buyers.

How it ended You can only guess, increased the "constant compound" of the sale of Diablo 3 or, on the contrary, reduced them. But the sediment, as usual, remained.

* * *

So rich for scandals turned out to be last year. In the new we are waiting for new conflicts and noisy proceedings. They, in fact, have already begun – what is worth at least the noise around the bankruptcy of ThQ. And while the industry lives and develops, scandals will inevitably arise in it. So we sit down and stock up on popcorn!